On 04/10/2010 07:44 PM, Ben de Groot wrote:
On 11 April 2010 00:54, Denis Dupeyron<calc...@gentoo.org>  wrote:
I know it hurts the eyes a bit, but calling problems by their name is
part of fixing them.

Except when someone else does it, then calling the problem of lack of
leadership suddenly becomes "immature political ranting". Nice try.

You know, leadership can be as much about NOT replying to an email as replying to one... :)

You don't need to be elected to the council to be a leader. I'd say that with very few exceptions those who have been on the council were elected because a majority of devs recognize that they have been leaders.

I can certainly say that they have put in a lot more time than most reading this list, and it really isn't anybody's place to lecture them on being leaders as a result. If somebody really thinks they have constructive advice then make it constructive, or at least send it in private to coun...@g.o.

If there is ANYBODY here who actually intends to lift a finger to actually do work to rectify these problems, by all means contact the appropriate project lead or the council or something and ask how to pitch in and help. Based on Patteri's post it sounds like you can feel free to ping him on irc/email if you're looking for something to do.

And let's try to remember that we're all in it together - infighting isn't going to inspire more people to join the cause...


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