On 04/11/2010 12:18 AM, Ben de Groot wrote:
> On 10 April 2010 22:56, Petteri Räty <betelge...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>>> I guess I was hallucinating that I started the wiki project, which has
>>> been a popular request for as long as I can remember. I guess I
>>> imagined I worked together with Markos to start the proxy-maintainer
>>> project to improve visibility of that option to contribute. And I must
>>> have been dreaming that I sent a mail about forming a team to review
>>> and renew the recruitment process and curriculum. I must be mistaken
>>> in thinking I have proposed to centralize all developer documentation
>>> into one place. Oh, and forgive me for not publicly announcing that I
>>> sent a mail to the dormant webteam about joining and offering my help.
>>> And asking for leadership on issues that affect Gentoo on a wider
>>> scale is not constructive?
>> Yes all valuable contributions and hopefully you keep on that road.
> Not if you think it is okay for Calchan to insult me the way he did.

Could he have chosen better words - yes
Were there errors in content - no
Misunderstandings - more than likely


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