Hi together,

since i am not able to get any real argument or even discussion on IRC nor on 
this mailing list from
Arfrever (main person behind those changes), i would like to raise the 
following points now on this
mailing list as told on IRC, so he gets the chance to answer those points and 
to clear the issues:

-major changes to python eclasses have been done without peer review on this 
mailing list. This
includes pulling in python-3* versions, even when they are not required nor 
used on the user system

Our policy is, that major changes to main eclasses should previously shown and 
discussed publically
on this mailing list, this did not happen for the python eclass. I think, he 
was already told about
it, but i still did not see any RFC about those eclass changes.
Additionally, those changes now pull in python-3 for every user, also no 
package does require
python-3 nor will it be used, since the main python version still has to be 
python-2. This results
in vasted time for additional compilation (both for python-3 and every python 
module, which is able
to work with python-3) and vasted space on the user system, since those files 
are not used anywhere.
Additionally, every additional package raises the security risks since it 
raises the amount of code
around, also this is nothing python specific.
Since python-3 is totally optional, it should be an option to pull it in, not a 
forced pull, where
users have to know, that is is optional and could be masked.

-A news item, which is only shown, once python-3* is installed.

It is only shown _after_ installation of python-3.
It just suggests to not set python-3 as main python version and to run the 
python-updater, but it
does not tell the user, that python-3 is still completly optional and not 
needed for him.

-Arfrever also said, he would add a seperate news item, when python-3 gets 

Now the stabilisation bug is open, the first arch is stabilized and i still 
dont see any news item,
which does prepare the users in advance.

Beside those points, one additional main issue is, that i and others dont seem 
to be able to have a
discussion with Arfrever about this topics. He says, he has no time for it or 
says, that he already
had shown arguments, but cannot show any evidence or just stops responding 
without any note.

Even if all those changes would have good reasons for them, the way, how they 
are done and
communicated is not very well chosen. And since i dont seem to be able to get 
any discussion with
Arfrever about those points, i will also CC devrel. For now, to inform them 
and, also in the hope,
that it is not needed and those issues can be resolved, in preparation for a 
discussion and decision
on those topics, if needed later one.

So for Arfrever: I also CCed you, so that i can be sure, that you get the mail. 
Please answer to all
of my above points with arguments. Choose whatever way you prefer for that 
(public mail, private
mail, public IRC discussion or private message via IRC). If you missed some 
points or others appear,
i will answer and ask about those.
If you do not answer at all or do not answer with arguments to my satisfaction 
within 14 days, i
will escalate those issues to devrel.

Thomas Sachau

Gentoo Linux Developer

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