On 21 June 2010 21:14, Maciej Mrozowski <reave...@gmail.com> wrote:
> If that's the case (they are essential for Gnome or whatever to work, just two
> files per package, not bringing any additional dependencies nor probability of
> causing compilation failures), I find it rather odd to make it optional at
> all.

As I explained, the reason I think it makes sense to make it optional
is for embedded systems, where you want to enable introspection for
only the subset of your package where you need the dynamically
generated bindings. I agree that this is a tenuous argument in itself,
but I figure that now that we've started this way, and there /is/ a
benefit to it, we might as well carry it through.

I'm still trying to think of a good name. I understand the concerns
about "introspection" being too generic and non GNOME-y, but "gir" is
likely to cause confusion.

Arun Raghavan
(Ford_Prefect | Gentoo) & (arunsr | GNOME)

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