( reposted as a new thread. Sorry for inconvenience.)

Hi to all,

I am sorry if I'm wasting bandwidth on gentoo-dev with this, but I have
found no good answere elsewhere.

I have accidentally stumbled on Codelite ( at the first glance ) _great_
IDE for C/C++/Python ( http://www.codelite.org ).

While toying with its settings for various language syntaxes, I have
glanced at Language named Cobra.

Since "emerge -s cobra" gave me nothing, I took a peek at:

It seems interesting- compiled Python-like language, that is speedwise
much closer to C++ than to Python, static/dynamic binding, optional
static variable typing etc...

My question is, could existing Portage infrastructure be ported to such
language with minimal effort and would it be worthwile to even try ?

There are many operations that now take portage ages to complete, so it
seems that this could be benefitial...

Has anyone of Pythonistas tried to give Cobra a look or two ?

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