On Sun, Mar 27, 2011 at 11:36:00AM +0300, Samuli Suominen wrote:
> USE="hal" is masked in base/use.mask, but unmasked for kde-base/solid
> and app-cdr/k3b in base/package.use.mask pending on KDE 4.6.x stabilization.
> This is preparation for dropping the uncompressed usb.ids file from
> sys-apps/usbutils, which HAL relies on.
> Also, both udisks and upower now have blockers for sys-apps/hal to
> prevent overlapping features.
> -Samuli

Good evening,

Why didn't you use the news utility to inform users about this change
and possible transition steps/migration guide? This is a rather big
change that might (or may not) require a bit of effort from non-power
users to migrate their systems to the new backend. A short summary of
would be nice but I guess it is too late for that since another 
major change occurred without advertising it properly to our users.

Markos Chandras / Gentoo Linux Developer / Key ID: B4AFF2C2

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