On 05/01/2011 06:10 AM, Ulrich Mueller wrote:
> Could you bisect Blender to find out why it doesn't work with the new
> version?

If 2.26 still produced good results, 2.37a already does not.  Bisecting
involves fixing compilation for each version.  I stopped getting 2.30 to
compile because it seemed to take forever (longer than fixing 2.26,
2.37a and 2.40 together) and two people had their hands on a port of the
logo to Blender 2.57 by then, one of them still has.  It's too early to
give details.  What I can say is that personally I would want a very
close match in case of a Blender-based replacement, closer than what I
have seen so far.  It still seems possible though.



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