On Thu, 05 May 2011 17:23:51 +0200, Paweł Hajdan, Jr. wrote:
Currently I'm using the default/linux/x86/10.0/developer profile, but
I'd like to switch to hardened on my developer system to catch more issues.

However, eselect profile list only displays one hardened profile for me:

$ eselect profile list
Available profile symlink targets:

I'm using eselect-1.2.11.

When listing the profiles directory in CVS, the hardened profile seems
to have developer and other sub-profiles:

ph@localhost ~/gentoo-x86/profiles $ ls -l hardened/linux/x86/
total 48

Any ideas how to get a hardened+developer profile?

Those profiles that you are seeking are *not* listed in PORTDIR/profiles/profiles.desc which is why they don't show up in eselect output. This means that repoman does not check those profiles at all. I am curious as to how much value they actually have ;) With that being said, eselect is NOT the only way to set your profile, you can just as easily create a symlink.

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