
On 18:44 Sat 21 May     , "Paweł Hajdan, Jr." wrote:
> Recently there was a discussion about better tools for arch teams, to
> speed up stabilizations and make them less error-prone.
> Here's my answer to that, still in very early development:
> <http://git.overlays.gentoo.org/gitweb/?p=proj/arch-tools.git;a=summary>
> You can just launch it like this:
> ./bugzilla-viewer.py --arch x86

I like it.  Funnily It digged up some stable bugs from the stone-age
that have been processed, but x86 was still on the CC-list.

> It has more options, and can even try to do the stabilization in cvs
> tree and capture repoman output (it has to be enabled from the
> command-line, see --help).

Have you seen app-portage/tatt ? I think there is a huge overlap between
your project and tatt.  tatt can already fetch bugs from bugzilla,
create USE-flags and reverse dependency, as well as cvs commit scripts.
You can use your own templates for the scripts, but tatt also provides
some.  The next thing would be to clean up a few bugs and do a release,
unfortunately I have not yet found the time for this.  I'd be happy to
give you access to the git-tree your you can just clone it on github.


I also use aliases like
x86bugs='bugz search --cc x...@gentoo.org -a x...@gentoo.org'
secbugs='x86bugs | grep security'

> I think the key thing for arch teams is batching. Compilation takes
> time, viewing web pages has latency, so we should maximize the work that
> a developer can do within his limited time. To do that, we should
> prepare as much information as possible up-front (this is the goal of
> bugzilla-viewer.py).

Regarding the work-order I intentionally try to be agnostic.  I do
security bugs first, and then work on the oldest bug.

> Then the developer can quickly process the list of bugs, and decide what
> he's going to test. And then we can have tools for batch-testing,
> batch-committing, and so on. Some of them already exist.
> Patches welcome, and please let me know what you think!

Thomas Kahle

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