On 09-06-2011 18:06:02 +0200, Andreas K. Huettel wrote:
> > > If typos matter then they matter to everybody, and if they don't then
> > > we should not care.  QA in Gentoo should be a consistent experience.
> > 
> > while the last sentence is true, the first is not.  if a minority of
> > people care about typos, and/or they rarely fix said typos, then the
> > logical answer is that their opinion loses out.  it doesnt mean that
> > everyone agrees.
> > -mike
> you will surely agree then- if a minority of people thinks ebuild
> removals should not go into the changelog, their opinion just loses
> out. Right?
> Anyway. You and Samuli are at the moment just wasting everyone's time
> here. 

Please don't mix threads.  This thread is just about what we should do
with ChangeLogs (if, and if, how to generate them) not about a
particular preference of documenting things or not.

So far, this thread was reasonably made of constructive, and sort of
objective replies.  It would be nice, and probably most useful for the
council, if we could keep it this way.

Fabian Groffen
Gentoo on a different level

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