2011-09-08 19:03:56 Thomas Sachau napisał(a):
> Tomáš Chvátal schrieb:
> > Start collecting ideas for EAPI5.
> 2) USE-flag based support to install for different slots (e.g. python, ruby 
> or php)
> The second one is already done in some eclasses, afaik php and ruby, but it 
> might be a good idea to
> have a general framework for all slotted languages, so there is no need to 
> re-implement the same for
> every language.

It's better to have it implemented in eclasses. E.g. Python scripts need to be 
specially handled
(python_merge_intermediate_installation_images() renames them (so that their 
names include
Python ABI), calls python_convert_shebangs() if they don't have appropriate 
shebangs, and calls
python_generate_wrapper_scripts() to create appropriate wrapper scripts).

Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis

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