On Wednesday 18 January 2012 21:23:47 Duncan wrote:
> If people want
> it, they can merge it, just like any other package.  Really, the same
> applies to busybox, and arguably, even to module-init-tools (and the more
> recent replacement, kmod...), since that's not needed if people choose to
> build all their drivers into the kernel.

not really.  the # of people who build their kernel without module support is 
such a minority that they can suck it up and accept the additional dep, or 
simply use one of the many existing knobs in /etc/portage/ to disable it.

busybox is there because we believe Gentoo should have a rescue shell 
installed for when the system/user eats things and needs recovery without 
resorting to a livecd.  if you never make a mistake, then you're free to 
ignore it like anything else.

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