On 28 March 2012 20:46, Alex Alexander <wi...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> For example, my /usr/portage/ on this system looks like this:
> portage/
>        tree/
>        profiles/ -> tree/profiles/
>        distfiles/
>        packages/
>        layman/
> it is a big improvement over the current
> distfiles-and-packages-mixed-with-tree-while-layman-wanders state :)
> --

I'd rather the gentoo tree be classed as the same tier as other
sources, ie, more like:

> portage/
>        profiles/ -> repositories/gentoo/profiles/
>        distfiles/
>        packages/
>        repositories/gentoo/
>        repositories/sunrise/

At least that way the notion of overlays is less of a "3rd class
citzens, filth, scum" comparison., and ::gentoo being the "master
repository"  is just a configuration convention, not something that is
a fixed design constraint.

Fwiw, I've also long despised the layout of the distfiles directory
being a flat hierarchy, it makes the directory a festering pit of
hellspawn over time on any filesystem that doesn't have dirindex.  (
I've seriously had "ls" take up to a minute to run in that directory,
and if I've ever made the mistake of trying to tab compete something
in there .... /usr/portage/distfiles/foo<tab>  is my normal muscle
memory response, and then it sits there doing nothing for a minute and
it would have been faster to just finish typing it myself =_= )

Though I don't have any solution better than a "break it into 26
subdirs by first letter" .


perl -e  "print substr( \"edrgmaM  SPA NOcomil.ic\\@tfrken\", \$_ * 3,
3 ) for ( 9,8,0,7,1,6,5,4,3,2 );"


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