On Wed, Mar 28, 2012 at 10:24:56PM +1300, Kent Fredric wrote:
> Fwiw, I've also long despised the layout of the distfiles directory
> being a flat hierarchy, it makes the directory a festering pit of
> hellspawn over time on any filesystem that doesn't have dirindex.  (
> I've seriously had "ls" take up to a minute to run in that directory,
> and if I've ever made the mistake of trying to tab compete something
> in there .... /usr/portage/distfiles/foo<tab>  is my normal muscle
> memory response, and then it sits there doing nothing for a minute and
> it would have been faster to just finish typing it myself =_= )
> Though I don't have any solution better than a "break it into 26
> subdirs by first letter" .

Just use categories from repos?

(from zomg repo with custom zomg-soft category ;)

Btw. what would happen if, ie. mc package - well, two different
packages, one from app-misc, one from sci-libs - but lets say they have
a brand new release 5.0 and there's mc-5.0.tar.bz2 for both of them?

Piotr Szymaniak.
 - Jeden hamburger na dziesiec ci zaszkodzi. Jeden moj stary przyjaciel
to sprawdzil.  Zjadal dziewiec hamburgerow i byl idealnie zdrowy, a gdy
probowal zjesc dziesiatego, z miejsca dostawal torsji.
  -- Graham Masterton, "Night Warriors"

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