On Wed, May 16, 2012 at 11:36 AM, Eray Aslan <e...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> On 2012-05-16 12:13 PM, Andreas K. Huettel wrote:
>>>> make.conf(5) man page:
>>>>   This causes the CONFIG_PROTECT behavior to be skipped for files that
>>>>   have not been modified since they were installed.
>> +1 very good idea
> Hmm, does that mean that when a default changes in (or some new setting
> is added to) an app config file, I'll get no prompt and no warning
> assuming I go with the default settings in the app?  That presumes that
> the new default or the new setting does not break my setup.  That is a
> big assumption.

Generally, several PMS (I think apt does it as well) make this assumption:
if config file C owned by package P has never been modified, meaning
that md5 or whatever is the same, the old C of P was fine, so is the
new C.
On the other hand, if the old C has been modified, then the above
assumption is not valid.

This also helps a lot in the scenario where critical configuration
files are not updated before reboot, which might result in an
unbootable system (ouch!).

> Even if we go with enabling it by default, please have a news item so
> that one can turn it off if necessary.  Even then, new installs will
> have to remember to turn it off.
> --
> Eray Aslan <e...@gentoo.org>

Fabio Erculiani

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