On Fri, Jun 1, 2012 at 4:49 PM, Michael Weber <x...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> Cloning the repo [1] takes 200seconds on 8cores (it's 2GB of data and
> 22 minutes of 3.4GHz cpus).

As others have pointed out, probably the best way to bootstrap this is
to offer tarballs of a shallow repository and a full repository.
Perhaps we'd offer the latter as a torrent.  The shallow repository
should be light on the CPU too.

This would be a lot easier on the server than having everybody and
their uncle doing a full 2GB clone.

Devs could then do a pull to get the latest and greatest, and that
would only transfer the delta.

I imagine our mirror network can handle the bandwidth compared to what
we're already doing with distfiles.  Worst case we could take a
one-time hit and use S3 or whatever to do the distribution (they even
support bittorrent to cut down on the bill).


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