On Sun, Jun 03, 2012 at 11:34:07AM +0200, Micha?? G??rny wrote:
> I means using separate proto for metadata, not necesarrily git. In any
> case, if it comes to transferring a lot of frequently-changing files,
> rsync is not that efficient...
It does NOT send any of the intermediate states.

So the question is:
Is the set of delta-compressed intermediate states A-B-C-D smaller
than a compressed copy of just state D?

Robin Hugh Johnson
Gentoo Linux: Developer, Trustee & Infrastructure Lead
E-Mail     : robb...@gentoo.org
GnuPG FP   : 11ACBA4F 4778E3F6 E4EDF38E B27B944E 34884E85

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