On 2012-06-12 Tue 20:20, Michael Sterrett wrote:
> Calling "use" in global scope isn't allowed so what are you suggesting
> they do instead?

Can't they just do something similar to how most cmake-utils and
autotools-utils users do things? For example:

src_configure() {
       $(use_enable afp)
       $(use_enable archive)
       $(use_enable avahi)
       $(use_enable bluetooth obexftp)
       $(use_enable bluray)
       $(use_enable cdda)
       $(use_enable fuse)
       $(use_enable gdu)
       $(use_enable gphoto2)
       $(use_enable ios afc)
       $(use_enable udev)
       $(use_enable udev gudev)
       $(use_enable http)
       $(use_enable gnome-keyring keyring)
       $(use_enable samba)"


Seems like that should work fine.


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