Since i am not that sure about my ability to write formal specs, i am
presenting my first draft for further review and suggestions for


Thomas Sachau
Gentoo Linux Developer

For amd64 users, there is sometimes the issue, that they need 32bit libs for 
certain packages (e.g.
wine or many binary-only packages). Currently, they only get them prepackaged 
in binary form with
the emul-linux-x86-* packages. But those packages have a few issues (list does 
not have to be complete):

-they only contain a limited set of 32bit packages
-they are precompiled, so the user cannot define his own flags
-they have to be manually maintained and updated

So the idea was to add the ability to compile 32bit packages with support from 
the package manager,
so there is no need for additional packages to maintain. After this was 
originally implemented, it
was further extended to allow cross-compilation for other targets, not only 
limited to 32bit packages.

The basic way, how this should work:

1. Check for the current profile being multilib, this means, that the 
MULTILIB_ABIS var exists and has more then 1 (space seperated) value. 
Additionally, the DEFAULT_ABI var has to be defined and its content should be 
part of the MULTILIB_ABIS var. Only continue with the following steps, if this 
is true
2.1 Take the entries from MULTILIB_ABIS var and add a USE flag for each of them 
in the form of multilib_abi_$value
2.2 Add "abiwrapper" as a USE flag
3. Check, if the package has USE=multilib enabled. Only continue with the 
following steps, if this is false.
4. Add a use dependency for each USE flag added in step 2 for all dependencies 
except those defined in a space seperated list of the NO_AUTO_FLAG var. The 
dependency should then look like category/package[multilib_abi_$value?]
5. Find the first enabled USE flag from the list of step 2, start with 
multilib_abi_$DEFAULT_ABI during the search. If none is enabled, use 
multilib_abi_$DEFAULT_ABI. In the following, $ABI will reference the $value 
part of the selected USE flag.
6. Before the pkg_setup phase is executed, setup the environment as following:
        -export CHOST with $CHOST_$DEFAULT_ABI
        -export $CC with $CHOST-gcc
        -export $CXX with $CHOST-g++
        -export $FC with $CHOST-gfortran
        -export $CHOST with $CHOST_$ABI
        -export $CBUILD with $CHOST_$ABI
        -export $CDEFINE with $CDEFINE_$ABI
        -export $CCASFLAGS with ${CCASFLAGS:-${CFLAGS}} and append $CFLAGS_$ABI
        -export $CFLAGS with $CFLAGS and append $CFLAGS_$ABI
        -export $CPPFLAGS with $CPPFLAGS and append $CPPFLAGS_$ABI
        -export $CXXFLAGS with $CXXFLAGS and append $CFLAGS_$ABI
        -export $FCFLAGS with $FCFLAGS and append $CFLAGS_$ABI
        -export $FFLAGS with $FFLAGS and append $CFLAGS_$ABI
        -export $ASFLAGS with $ASFLAGS and append $ASFLAGS_$ABI
        -export $LDFLAGS with $LDFLAGS and append $CFLAGS_$ABI
        -export $PKG_CONFIG_PATH with /usr/$LIBDIR_$ABI/pkgconfig

7. After src_install is finished:
7.1 Execute the following or equivalent code (prep_ml_binaries is a function 
from multilib-portage from [1]):
prep_ml_binaries $(find "${D}"usr/bin "${D}"usr/sbin "${D}"bin "${D}"sbin -type 
f -name '*-config' 2>/dev/null)
7.2 If USE flag abiwrapper is enabled, execute:
local noabi=()
for i in ${MULTILIB_ABIS}; do
        noabi+=( ! -name '*-'${i} )
if use abiwrapper ; then
        for i in $(find "${D}"usr/bin/ "${D}"usr/sbin "${D}"bin "${D}"sbin 
-type f ${noabi[@]} 2>/dev/null); do
                prep_ml_binaries "${i}"
7.3. After src_install, do the following checks:
        -is $Dusr/include not empty
        -is $usr/$LIBDIR_$ABI not empty
        -is abiwrapper USE flag enabled and any of /bin /usr/bin /sbin 
/usr/sbin not empty
If any of those checks is true, save the content of $D to $D.$ABI. Check if 
another USE flag from step 2 is enabled, if no, then continue with step 8, 
otherwise reset everything to the state before pkg_setup. Find the next enabled 
USE flag from step 5 and continue with that on step 6.
8. If there have been at least 2 USE flags from step 2 enabled, check if the 
header files between the different target $ABIs differ. Move the files, that 
dont differ, back to $D. If files differ, they are moved to 
$Dusr/include/gentoo-multilib/$ABI and the following or equivalent code is 
executed in $D ($ALL_ABIS is the content of $MULTILIB_ABIS, for which the USE 
flags from step 2 have been enabled) (_create_abi_includes is a function from 
multilib-portage from [1]):
set --
for diffabi in ${ALL_ABIS}; do
        local define_var=CDEFINE_${diffabi}
        set -- "$@" "${!define_var}:${dir}/gentoo-multilib/${diffabi}"
_create_abi_includes "$@"
Now move the rest of the content of the temporary dirs back into $D with the 
content of $D.$DEFAULT_ABI being the last.
9. pkg_preinst, pkg_postinst, pkg_prerm and pkg_postrm are executed within a 
loop of the following form
for each enabled USE flag from step 2 do
        setup environment as described in step 6
        execute phase


Optional: The code from step 6, 7.1, 7.2 and 8 (for managing the headers) could 
be moved into an eclass. Then the PM executes this or an equivalent internal 
function with newer versions of that eclass overwrite the internal functions. 
That way, those parts could be updated without the need to update change 
the PMS or to wait for another EAPI for an update/change.

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