On 16.06.2012 14:26, Pacho Ramos wrote:
> El sáb, 16-06-2012 a las 14:12 +0200, Ulrich Mueller escribió:
>>>>>>> On Sat, 16 Jun 2012, Pacho Ramos wrote:
>>> I would like to know if there is some place where things going to be
>>> included (or proposed to be included) for eapi5 are listed (if such
>>> place exists). Currently, looks like there is no eapi5 tracker :-/
>> The PMS git repository has an eapi-5 development branch, and some
>> parallel discussion took place in the gentoo-pms mailing list.
>> So far we have:
>> ╓────
>> ║ EAPI 5 is EAPI 4 with the following changes:
>> ║ 
>> ║ • econf adds --disable-silent-rules.
>> ║ • Slot operator dependencies.
>> ║ • src_test supports parallel tests.
>> ║ • USE is calculated differently.
>> ║ • IMAGE is gone.
>> ║ • REQUIRED_USE now supports ?? groups.
>> ║ • apply_user_patches function, with src_prepare changes.
>> ║ • find is guaranteed to be GNU.
>> ║ • new* can read from standard input.
>> ╙────
>> Ulrich
> OK, would you let me to create a tracker bug for eapi5 accepted item?
> About suggesting new item (like forcing rebuilding of other packages as
> discussed some days ago and crosscompile support suggested by Tommy
> today), I guess we need to get them voted by the council?
> Thanks :)

At Fosdem Petteri talked about ideas for next EAPI, which brought up
some discussions. Perhaps he or someone else who remembers could
summarize the ideas.


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