On Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 8:26 PM, Rich Freeman <ri...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> I've been messing around with namespaces and some of what systemd has
> been doing with them, and I have an idea for a portage feature.
> But before doing a brain dump of ideas, how useful would it be to have
> a FEATURE for portage to do a limited-visibility build?  That is, the
> build would be run in an environment where the root filesystem appears
> to contain everything in a DEPEND (including @system currently) and
> nothing else?  It might be useful both in development/testing, and
> also in production use (not sure how performance would work in the
> real world - I was able in a script to get it to build an enviornment
> in a few seconds for a few packages).

You mean like cowbuilder?


> I really crazy idea would be to try to run packages in a similar
> environment, but I think that needs better kernel/etc level support
> since the performance hit would be much more noticeable, except for
> things like daemons that only start once.
> Implementing it wouldn't necessarily be hard - just create a tmpfs
> under /var/tmp/portage, unshare off a new mount namespace, and
> read-only bind-mount everything needed from the root filesystem
> (including /var/tmp/portage/...), and chroot into it.  When the build
> is done the process governing it terminates and the kernel wipes out
> all the mounts and then portage unmounts the tmpfs.  You wouldn't need
> to use a tmpfs for the build - it would actually be zero-size as
> reported by df since it just contains a bazillion bind mounts, though
> all those mounts would consume slab memory.
> Thoughts?
> Rich

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