On Tue, Aug 7, 2012 at 5:36 PM, Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Now, since Walter didn't like the way things are going, can he write
> code and be left in peace to do so?  Maybe have a little bit of support
> while he is doing it?


I can't say I think that preferring mdev over an initramfs is a good
choice, but I can say that I prefer that people have the choice to
make in the first place.  Nobody can expect anybody to maintain
something for them, but if some are willing to step up and give Gentoo
a bit of a broader perspective that is what we're all about.  Where
else are you going to find a linux distro that can run a fair bit of
their repository on Interix of all things?

We all get grumpy from time to time, but I've learned that if you're
going to speak up it is best if you're doing so to offer something
better, and not just to gripe.  My hat is always off to those who
write code, and the community around Gentoo that has allowed us to
choose whether to run it.  Systemd, Dracut, Wayland, and more - bring
it on, and if my writing an odd init script/unit/whatever for a
package I maintain makes it possible to do something genuinely new
with Gentoo, then file all the bugs you want.  :)


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