On 08/07/2012 09:00 PM, Olivier Crête wrote:
> I expect that in the not so long term, systemd will become an essential
> user-space component of desktop Linux, just like crond, syslog, dbus,
> udev or glibc. Sharing that code just makes sense, that allows

As in completely optional and easily replaceable? That would be a nice
improvement over the current "use it or die" attitude.

> distributions to focus on their strength instead of having to maintain a
> nightmare of shell scripts. Sure you can do a Android and write your own
> crappier version, but that doesn't gain you anything.

Repeat after me: having your first process require anything more than
libc is stupid and dangerous.

Once that concept gets accepted then we could discuss about why
reinventing shellscript may not be that sound and other less glaring,
horrid and appalling design choices.

Most ideas behind systemd are interesting, their current implementation
is sometimes completely wrong and given the experience with pulseaudio
we all know that they won't change even if you provide code for it.

Obviously it is always fun seeing people first say "accept it or fork
it", then "do not keep your fork you are wasting time" once somebody
starts forking and/or working for an alternative.


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