El jue, 20-09-2012 a las 10:14 -0400, Ian Stakenvicius escribió:
> Hash: SHA256
> On 20/09/12 09:52 AM, Ciaran McCreesh wrote:
> > On Thu, 20 Sep 2012 09:13:40 -0400 Ian Stakenvicius
> > <a...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> >> PMS may not need to be fixed, just the spec
> > 
> > PMS is the spec, and it doesn't need fixing, since it accurately 
> > reflects the situation we're dealing with.
> > 
> Sorry, I misread PMS as PMs (portage, paludis, etc).
> And, for support to be official for ebuilds or eclasses to query IUSE
> (or other globals) within phase functions, then the 'spec' (PMS) is
> probably all that needs to be 'fixed'.  Right?
> So, in EAPI=6, we propose something that'll make it official (ie a
> querying function; or ensure that PMs can provide these variables
> along with their proper 'effective' values, or their in-ebuild
> 'explicit' values, or whatever it is we want to say can be relied
> upon, to the environment).

The problem of waiting for eapi6 to specify CURRENT behavior is that we
don't know how much time will need to wait until it's approved (as I
think eapi5 cannot include this "extra" function as was approved some
hours ago). Other option would be to fast release some kind of eapi5.1
adding this... but, again, I think we are discussing about something
that could be resolved as simply as specifying current behavior for all
existing eapis (as we are in fact doing in the tree) and rely on new
eapis for future hypothetical changes on it.

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