On 10/1/2012 10:29 AM, Rich Freeman wrote:

Looking at the tracker [1], we need a pre-upload hook (I'm not quite
sure why), an rsync conversion script, the ability to validate the
converted tree, and documentation.  There is still an open bug for
commit signing, and I'm not quite sure why as this was implemented.

a job for gitolite? what does ogo use?

Am I missing some big concern that just isn't obvious in these bugs?

Things will break. There will be much wringing of virtual hands. But in 1 weeks' time, everyone will get over it and find ways to fix whatever broke. There will be one less thing on the big to-do list, and most people will be happier overall.

It's one of those "Social Security" type of things it's hard to build a clean consensus around /when/ to make a break like this. I think we basically need a headstrong asshole in a position of sufficient authority to say, "fuck everyone, we are doing this, here is the changeover date."

Too much democracy, tactical planning and consensus-building will almost certainly perpetuate the status quo.

Look, Gentoo will probably fall to pieces for a few days. The alternative, IMO, is a huge, elaborate multi-phase plan of some kind, like how Microsoft or NASA would do it: armies of 40-somethings toil for months or years in cubicles... Elaborate Gantt charts and process diagrams are drawn up and approved by layer after layer of middle management.

Gentoo can tolerate a hiccup; it's survived way scarier challenges. We have a huge community of very talented people highly motivated to keep this machinery working... there's literally zero chance that Gentoo will somehow have it's spirit broken by cvs->git.

In other words, devs -- imo -- just go for it. Throw caution to the wind. Break some bylaws if need be. Ignore anyone saying "we're not ready." It'll be easier to get forgiveness than permission, and exactly what process issues needed to be smoothed over will frankly only truly be clear in the aftermath.

Of course, that's easy for me to say since I'm not the one whose door everyone will be beating down when TSHTF. There are worse things than CVS (Visual SourceSafe comes to mind). But if we don't bite the bullet now, we all know we'll be having this discussion again later.


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