On Fri, 12 Oct 2012 21:10:23 -0600
Ryan Hill <dirtye...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> I'd argue against deprecating EAPI 0 any time soon though.  Killing
> EAPI 1 would be a better idea.

I'm not for forced EAPI bumps anytime soon, but I expect EAPI 0 to be
gone from tree in 3-5 years once the EAPI=0 requirement is lifted.

Currently we have only 6 official EAPIs which is still manageable to
remember the details of each. Though it might be confusing for new
developers. Once we are at 20 EAPIs it will be an issue also for
seasoned folks.

Therefore deprecation is a given, how to go about it is certainly up to
discussion. What do you see as an acceptable path here?

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