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On 12/08/2012 06:50 AM, Rich Freeman wrote:
> On Sat, Dec 8, 2012 at 12:25 AM, Matt Turner <matts...@gentoo.org> wrote:
>> I have never once been able to grab a portage snapshot and build a
>> stage 1, 2, 3 series from it without encountering at least a couple of
>> problems with the tree.
> Ditto - the latest issue I've run into is: 443472.  Probably won't
> impact the average user, and perhaps I should just modify the script
> to not bother reading that file and figure out what the latest build
> is on its own.
>> I think we should consider things that break release media serious
>> regressions. I don't know what that entails specifically, but whether
>> it need be QA bashing down your door or a quick fix or revert, it sure
>> would be nice to get Gentoo to a place where release media always
>> works.
> Agreed.  If a user can't just burn a CD and then do an emerge kde-meta
> there is a problem.
>> In short, I think the conversation we should be having should be about
>> how to avoid breaking release builds and how to quickly fix problems
>> when they're discovered.
> I think those working with catalyst have the most to add regarding
> what breaks them.
> As far as detect-ability goes, do we need some kind of tinderbox that
> just does a daily build.  Perhaps just build from stage3 to a couple
> of world targets, including one with some server-oriented software,
> one with gnome, and one with kde?  I've reported a bunch of bugs with
> the EC2 bootstrap script described on my blog (not my original work),
> but it is only automated from a build perspective - testing is manual.
>  That takes about 18 hours to build (with an emphasis on economy), and
> I use spot instances so it really only costs maybe a buck or two.

I build about ~1300 packages for amd64 and x86 nearly every day from a
fresh snapshot.  I'm working on automating it so it really is every day.
 Once it is automated I suppose I can add kde-meta to the list, even
though... well... it's kde.

- -Zero
> My experience has been that if it builds it usually works.  So, simply
> testing for whether the build completes is a pretty-good first step.
> Of course, for system packages our recourse isn't necessarily good,
> since we don't have a test branch or anything like that.  If we wanted
> to revert we'd have to impact users who already upgraded.  Obviously
> the goal would be to fix in place with a new revbump, assuming that
> were possible.
> Rich

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