On 12/17/12 2:11 AM, Tomáš Chvátal wrote:
> Since we already have splitdebug for quite time (and I suppose quite
> few of us are using it) how about making it to default profiles
> default enabled and add -g to default cflags. Currently it is only
> enabled in the developer profile.

Fully seconded.

For people raising concerns in this thread: it can be easily disabled.

I think good defaults are really important. What do you think is more
reasonable to assume: (1) that the user hits crashes and wants to submit
a good bug report but doesn't want to recompile half of the system, or
(2) that the user has very limited disk space or some other kind of
special configurations.

Note that (2) is totally fine, I just think it's less likely to happen
(hopefully we can avoid a bias here with people thinking if _they_ have
a setup that can't use splitdebug or something, the same would apply to
everybody else).


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