On Thu, 2012-12-20 at 09:11 +0100, Ulrich Mueller wrote:
> >>>>> On Wed, 19 Dec 2012, Brian Dolbec wrote:
> > just to clarify, I'm voting for...
> > /var/cache/distfiles
> > /var/cache/packages
> Fine.
> > /var/cache/repositories/
> > /var/cache/repositories/gentoo   <== the main portage tree
> > /var/cache/repositories/local    <== the new location for a local overlay
> > /var/cache/repositories/some-overlay  <== layman installed overlay
> So the Portage tree would move from the second level (/usr/portage) to
> the fourth level? IMHO this is unacceptable. Make it /var/cache/gentoo
> or /var/cache/portage; the /var/cache directory really isn't so
> overpopulated that there's a need for hiding things in subdirs.
> Also I wonder if local overlays should be in /var/cache? It might not
> always be possible to restore them.
> Ulrich

My idea for having all repos under one directory is to make it easier
for a pkg manager to simply scan the directory to know all installed
overlays.  Currently each one has to be listed in a configured variable
in make.conf.  So if you wanted your local overlay somewhere else, then
a symlink would work (provided the PM can/will autoscan repos), or add
it to the PORTDIR_OVERLAY variable (current behavior).  I don't
otherwise have a strong desire for it to be there.

If and only if the tree and all overlays (not other directories) are not
under one directory, then an autoscan cannot easily happen.

For an example of what I am referring to.  In layman-2.0.0 I have added
a /etc/layman/overlays directory.  On start it will scan it for any
*.xml files and add those specifications to the overlays variable.
Layman-1.4 and previous required you add each entry to that overlays
variable in layman.cfg.  Essentially this makes the overlays directory a
plug-in directory, so if you want to install an overlay not listed in
the main repositories list, just download the xml spec to 

then layman -f (adds it to it's cache)

no editing required :)

If repositories is too long a name, repos is shorter and still
meaningful, although still puts them at a 4th level.

Brian Dolbec <dol...@gentoo.org>

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