On 02/01/13 13:11, Samuli Suominen wrote:
> On 01/01/13 23:01, Jeff Horelick wrote:
>> I would like to propose a switch of the order of DEPENDs in
>> virtual/pkgconfig to make dev-util/pkgconf[pkg-config] the default
>> choice for new installations.
>> dev-util/pkgconf has less external dependencies, is lighter and is
>> faster than dev-util/pkgconfig while being now 100% compatible
>> This switch has already been made by Funtoo, Alpine Linux and FreeBSD
>> with very little in the way of ill effects recently from any of those
>> 3 camps.
>> There are no more pending bugs against pkgconf (and Diego did a
>> tinderbox run with it a while back) in Gentoo.
>> pkgconf also has a upstream that is more than happy to work with us
>> specifically (or anyone for that matter) and I (a Gentoo developer) am
>> one of the upstream developers.
>> If this is approved, I will make the change in ~2 weeks. I'm not
>> planning on making a news item because users should notice little
>> difference.
>> Thanks
>> Jeff
> i'd say never. there is no benefit in switching. pkg-config is the
> default implementation from freedesktop.org.

And has its share of issues.

> pkg-config is now lighter and has less dependencies than before as the
> switch from bundled glib1 to glib2 allowed dropping of the popt library.

As if glib-2 is any lighter...

> and since pkgconf upstream doesn't properly follow pkg-config upstream
> git and do necessary changes, like for bug 445796 it would mean
> pkg-config related bugs would have to be reported to double upstream and
> thus, not be maintainable

Non sequitur at best. My interaction with both upstreams had been decent

> last I checked prefix didn't have issues with the pkg-config bootstrap
> either. there is no circular deps either.

check glib deps iirc some non-glibc platforms have few problems with it.


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