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What's the primary Idea behind multilib at all?
Isn't it just a workaround to keep prebuild software
from lazy/incapable/dead upstreams working (skype, ...)?

Is there any other real use besides bragging about processor
capabilities and compiling an stage1 boot loader?

Please don't get me wrong. I honor the whole effort done to bring this
magic into portage/..., but I see limits in the underlying file system.

The current solution suggested by FHS-2.3 [1] is to use
/lib<qual> and /usr/lib<qual>, which works for runtime emul- packages,
since software either installed to /opt/{${PN},bin} or had no
alternative in /bin or /usr/bin.

On 01/27/2013 02:40 PM, Thomas Sachau wrote:> 2. How do you handle
other abi-specific files like headers or binaries
> and cases like binaries with abi-specific content? Is it possible
> to preserve them for all requested abis or to preserve them for an 
> non-default abi?

On 01/27/2013 05:08 PM, Pacho Ramos wrote:> Maybe installing headers
in other place would be interesting :/

This is getting wired now, when we get an x86, x86_64 and x86_32
(srsly?) implementation of cp(1).

Either we avoid collision python style with /bin/${PN}-<qual> and some
link magic, to select the "best" <qual> according to moon phases.

In the spirit of FHS, I thought about introducing /bin<qual> for some
time, but this continues with other dirs.
We would need /var/lib<qual> as well (/var/lib/munin/ has ABI specific
.rrd files),
/usr/include<qual>/ ... wait a minute.

What about separating these ABIs on top dir and keeping the respective
sub-trees clean, like /<qual>/{,usr/}{bin,lib}?

/<qual>/ could be realised by one of these systems
- - chroot (just like /<any-other-distro> chroots), needs root.
- - Gentoo/PREFIX style
- - modified runtime linker to pic correct LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

These /<qual>/ can be anything, like different ABIs,
different libc implementations, different keyword (stable, testing),
different Distros, - as long as it runs with the current kernel.
Well, thin-provisioning, qemu, *random virtualization*.

One ABI, maybe the one that can run/chroot all others sould be defined
as qual="", just like non-multilib systems.

Replication of /<qual>/{home,usr/portage} can be avoided by symlinks
or bind-mounts, or hardlinks.
(Srsly, /usr/portage/"ebuilds,profiles,metadata,caches" has to be in

It'd be a pretty good solution for restraining mentioned (malicious)
software, /skype/ for example.

Some roundups have to be made for exhausive $PATH, X11 .desktop files,
to enable starting other /<qual>/


[1] http://www.pathname.com/fhs/pub/fhs-2.3.html

- -- 
Michael Weber
Gentoo Developer
web: https://xmw.de/
mailto: Michael Weber <x...@gentoo.org>
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