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On 01/30/2013 10:58 AM, Michał Górny wrote:
> On Wed, 30 Jan 2013 09:35:12 +0100 Michael Weber <x...@gentoo.org>
> wrote:

> We don't want 32-bit cp. Thomas likes to support every weird idea 
> coming from a random user, I don't.
What is wrong with "random" or "user"? Should I take "random user"
personally? Honestly, I have no idea.

Where do you want to draw the line?
How would you handle library packages shipping binaries?
Just `rm "${D}"/usr/bin`?

>> In the spirit of FHS, I thought about introducing /bin<qual> for
>> some time, but this continues with other dirs.
>> What about separating these ABIs on top dir and keeping the
>> respective sub-trees clean, like /<qual>/{,usr/}{bin,lib}?
> No. 32-bit chroot is an old idea and has nothing to do with
> multilib.

Right, that was the intent of my mail.
Not to question some multilib internal stupidity like how to handle
clashing pkg-config files but to question the approach in common.
Maybe FatELF would work with this multilib/USE approch w/o cluttering
the file system [1].

  Multilib: funny clashes all over the tree, partial blessed by FHS.

  Emul- packages, frozen, incapable of compiling and adding additional
  stuff - collision avoidance by upstream.

  Separated trees/chroots/... to be merged in $PATH et. al.

Is there any consent on how to proceed?

I support an slim solution, but as it turns out "architecture
independent" from FHS is just a lie. Or handled very badly.

[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fat_binary

> It's an alternative to multilib and there's no point in reinventing
> it.
Yeah, did not reinvent it, just want to re-think it's validity.

- -- 
Michael Weber
Gentoo Developer
web: https://xmw.de/
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