Hello guys,

just to be sure here "Removals are completely up to the maintainer to
decide", with expection of QA removal where the package must be
already broken to get punted.

If you as developers and users find some package useful you can retake
the maintainership (or became proxy-maint) which also expects you to
take care of the bugs (QA can prune it even if you take the
maintainership but ignore failures [even if your personal feeling is
that it is corner case, it is for QA to deicde]).

For dead upstream packages there are quite few problems you, who
support keeping it in tree, seem not to notice. The distro patches
will blob up (with each distro having different stuff) as things break
with shiny new updates (and no saying it builds with older xyz does
not make it work),  users have no chance to report problems with the
package elsewhere than to our bugzilla, etc, etc. This is the reason
why the fedorahosted.org was fired up. So if you care about the
package, take your time, fire up VCS/homepage/tracker there and try to
work on it or find someone else interested to help you with becaming
at least pseodo-upstream.



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