2013/2/1 Rich Freeman <ri...@gentoo.org>:
> On Fri, Feb 1, 2013 at 8:53 AM, Tomáš Chvátal <tomas.chva...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> If you as developers and users find some package useful you can retake
>> the maintainership (or became proxy-maint) which also expects you to
>> take care of the bugs (QA can prune it even if you take the
>> maintainership but ignore failures [even if your personal feeling is
>> that it is corner case, it is for QA to deicde]).
> Citation?  I don't see any GLEPs or other Council-approved policies to
> that effect.

You my friend are slowly pissing me of as I read through all the
flames you cause on -dev.
There is no council vote required as it is already defined within qa
team specs (and glep too when i think of it, so yep there is glep for

> And this is of course why nobody actually wants to maintain these
> packages - everybody is going to be looking over your shoulder because
> they've already decided that the existence of the package bothers
> them.

No, they won't get anyone looking over their shoulder unless they
decide to neglect the bugs as few maintainers did.
I didn't see a lot forced removals caused by qa, did you?

The existence of the package usually does not bother anyone,
maintainer just decided that its burden so it will be removed, he
could've put it to m-n but its up to every maintainer to decide what
to do if the package has bugs he deem serious. If anyone else decide
to pick up where they left, it is his job to ensure the package gets
fixed and up-par to work nicely.

Bit ago we had this discussion about keeping broken shit in tree
masked or just prune it, and obvious solution was to remove it as
there is just few of us and if anyone wants to start where we left he
can pick out the ebuild from attic and put into his own overlay where
it might work for him or even put it back to tree fixed.

> Honestly, threads like this bug me so much that I'm half-tempted to
> take over maintainership of one of these packages just to be a test
> case...  Ugh - time for an email break...
Go for it, i wrote exactly what to do, create vcs/tracker/homepage and
it can stay.

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