On Fri, 08 Feb 2013 22:41:04 +0100
Maciej Mrozowski <reave...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thursday 07 of February 2013 06:52:44 Peter Stuge wrote:
> > Tomáš Chvátal wrote:
> > > we as gentoo will provide both while preffered default will be
> > > what major distros use.
> > 
> > What kind of careless mainstream attitude is that? Really?
> Quite the opposite, decision to use implementation A over B was taken
> with utmost care for user in mind.

Not really. I was promised a discussion that hasn't happened yet.

> > > If you disagree with that and you don't want your lead to make
> > > that decision
> > Hm? Where can I learn more about the "lead" ? So it is a single
> > person's decision, and not "we as gentoo" that decides? I'd like to
> > understand how this decision making process actually works. Does
> > anyone know?
> It depends - in distro-wide, package-tree-wide matters we have Gentoo
> Council. In local matters like this - who does the job decides. Tomáš
> does the job - he decides.

Everyone can do the job to switch defaults :)


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