Walter Dnes posted on Mon, 04 Mar 2013 11:28:50 -0500 as excerpted:

> On Sun, Mar 03, 2013 at 10:48:07PM -0500, Rick "Zero_Chaos" Farina wrote
>> I am sorry that this package has been such a headache for you,
>> unfortunately binary drivers (especially) are often like that. Thanks
>> for all your hard work keeping this usable.
>   I'm not a C programmer, let alone a developer, so this may be a stupid
> question, but here goes... has anyone ever tried doing a HAL (Hardware
> Abstraction Layer) to present a reasonably stable interface to binary
> video drivers?  Think of it as a shim translating a "pseudo-API" into
> "the real API" that the kernel exposes directly.  Surely, we can do
> better than VESA.  Give drivers 2 options...
> 1) direct kernel access like now 2) access via the HAL/shim

Actually, I believe that's pretty much what the nvidia driver 
(specifically, in contrast to some other binary kernel modules) does.

They have their binary core which is common between supported platforms, 
and an open-source kernel shim[1] that is what people build when they 
"build" the nvidia kernel module.

However, due to the kernel's specifically NOT declared stable kernel-
space-API[2], the shim code must change with nearly every kernel to match 
the new kernel code.  As might be expected from a proprietary upstream 
that refuses to open their code and thus must support it themselves, 
upstream nvidia often falls behind, sometimes quite some way behind, both 
the kernel and xorg.  Thus this thread...

Of course it's possible to implement a userspace driver that wouldn't 
have the same issues as it'd use the stable userspace API, but that's 
generally accepted to be far too high a performance cost for graphics 
drivers, regardless of the kernel involved (MS tried it too for stability 
reasons and gave up at the performance penalty they were taking).

[1] The shim is licensed MIT or the like, such that the code can link to 
both the kernel and the binary-core-black-box.  So far, it has been 
allowed by the kernel folks under certain conditions, including that it 
not ship /with/ the kernel (various distros have run into that issue 
trying to ship it on their distribution media), and that it not attempt 
to link to the exported-as-GPL kernel symbols, just the general exported 
symbols.  But the nvidia driver is in somewhat better legal shape than 
many binary drivers because it /does/ use the same common core, which 
thus can be argued not to be a derivative of the kernel and thus not to 
fall under the copyright law which gives the GPL its legal teeth.  
Between that and the open-sourcing of the shim, as long as they stick to 
the general exported symbols and don't try to use the GPL-exported 
symbols, they should be fine.

[2] Ever-changing kernel-space-API:  This is in contrast to user-space, 
which they put a LOT of effort into keeping stable.  Also see the stable-
api-nonsense document another reply already linked.  Among other things, 
this both allows faster development and encourages the open-sourcing and 
upstreaming of code, since then the person doing the API changes must 
take care of it.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
"Every nonfree program has a lord, a master --
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