On 05/25/2013 02:13 PM, hasufell wrote:
> Isn't eselect for cases where I might want to reconfigure something or
> add configuration values such as for bash-completion, do testing with
> java-vm or python implementations during development, switch opengl
> implementation depending on the graphics driver loaded and whatnot.
> I don't see any of this applying to init system, nor do I see a reason
> to randomly switch between those. It's rather something to configure
> during installation, so I'd rather expect proper documentation.

Beside switching completely init system (since there is this itch to try
new toys here), you also have addons such as benchmarks such bootchart,
fs layout mappers/optimizers such as ureadahead and e4rat.

Some are something you want to run on-off.

All this started because Fabio had enough people pestering him about
systemd and he wanted some simple way so people could try it and get
back once burnt or vice-versa.

I have my uses for it since beside using bb-init to shave some time
spent spawning ephemeral processes on complex runscript, there is also
the runit integration in openrc that would feel bad having it rotting in
a branch w/out making it available and it has the very same issues you
have with systemd.

So having an eselect applet for this kind of purposes makes sense.


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