On Thu, 23 May 2013 23:40:42 -0600
Ryan Hill <dirtye...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> Okay, so what are you using the STABLEREQ keyword for that you want
> to set it when the bug is filed but before archs are added?  If you
> want to see only stabilization bugs you can search in the Keywording
> and Stabilization component.  Can you suggest another way to search
> for stabilization bugs that don't yet have archs CC'd (which is
> something I find rather useful)?

We could split up [Keywording and Stabilization] into separate
components, [Keywording] and [Stabilization], but then

1) people would still forget to set it, at whatever stage, and
2) this wouldn't fit with [Security]/[Vulnerabilities].

It's important to be able to distinguish between STABLEREQ and
KEYWORDREQ. I think a KEYWORDREQ should normally be handled earlier than
any STABLEREQ /unless/ the STABLEREQ fixes a security bug, since
being late getting keywords back up to par with other architectures
tends to make an even bigger mess further on.

Alternatively, we could set CONFIRMED or IN_PROGRESS when a) the
Component is [Keywording and Stabilization] and b) arch teams are
CC'd, but then everyone would forget to set that half the time, too.


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