On 06/20/2013 05:53 AM, Diego Elio Pettenò wrote:
> Does this mean the QA lead finally gets to suspend people who are
> patently not suited for developing a stable distribution without
> asking devrel? Because last time we got into the same judge, jury,
> and executioner argument, which I guess was just sent for the gallows
> (pun intended).

I'm not against that, but I prefer setting some fast track involving at
most 3 people and some procedure also for it.

E.g. : you can ask for 6h suspension on direct request and by contacting
a single devrel person to get an 1week suspension within 2 days.

> Mind, it's not like I disagree with at least one of the actions that
> you took recently, but given your surge approach I would like to
> point out that is not your task judging code quality, and yes that
> does make me uncomfortable, that you want to pick up the full power
> at once, and not collaborate with whom should have been involved in
> the process.

As said, this whole thing is just an interim solution till fast-path
procedures get deployed.


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