Please, let's not try to make this something either mandated or recommended.

I have a personal dislike for video tutorials which tend to take half an
hour to explain something you'd read in ten minutes. Besides, not all of
the developers speak English well enough — heck some people have trouble
writing and understanding written English, let alone spoken.

Honestly, I couldn't get over reading a couple of paragraph here, because
the premise itself is too much to bear for me, sorry.

Diego Elio Pettenò — Flameeyes —

On Sun, Jun 23, 2013 at 10:30 PM, Pavlos Ratis <> wrote:

> Hello all,
> Everyday we talk to each other about different kind of things related
> to Gentoo. IRC and MLs are the primary way of our communication, but
> this is only a text-based communication. I think sometimes it would be
> better to escape from that.
> That's why I'd like to propose Gentoo Hangouts. Gentoo Hangouts will
> be Google+  video Hangouts(video calls) held by teams or developers
> independent of a team. The main goal is to have the teams introduce
> themselves and discuss about different issues in their Gentoo-related
> projects.
> It's a very interactive way of communication and it helps team bonding. The
> first Hangout of a team would be good to include a short introduction of
> the
> team (what,who,where). Also team members will introduce themselves.
> Then team should start talking about how a user can contribute and
> what is going on in the team. Tips and tricks would be a plus and very
> useful to users. Finally, users will be able to ask
> questions at G+ and then team members will try to answer the most of
> these questions.
> Future team meetings could be also held via video hangouts or interviews
> like
> dabbot's doing in his personal blog. In addition, developers
> independent of the team could organize a hangout along with other
> developers to discuss different topics or to have a
> Gentoo-related chit-chat. Users could also participate into this video
> calls.
> It's very easy to decide the host of the talk. Maybe the team leads
> would be proper
> for that or someone from the PR. One of the major issues is the
> difference in timezone and the workload of each developer. However, I
> think it would be great to find 1 hour to
> participate. Teams could use a site like to organize
> the Hangout and find an hour that fit to their schedule.
> Except from a camera and a microphone requirement is a Google account and
> www-client/google-talkplugin package which is already in the tree.
> It would be great to have teams introduce themselves and inform users in a
> more interactive way how to contribute and answer their questions. Finally
> as
> I said different other topics could be covered in this calls.
> All these video calls will be archived to a public Gentoo account in
> Youtube.
> I am looking forward to your feedback, your comments and of course for the
> first team that will create a video Hangout!! :)
> That's all folks, thanks for your time.
> Pavlos

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