On 18:52 Mon 08 Jul     , Pavlos Ratis wrote:
> As far as I can see, opinions about VCs are 50-50. However, I don't
> see any disadvantages adding video hangouts to the project. VCs _are
> not_ mandatory and doesn't replace any of our current communication
> methods. You are not forced to participate. It's all about choice. If
> there are no objections and if the PR team gives an ack. I'd like to
> add video hangouts under the PR project (I'll create a simple faq page
> in wiki about VCs).

Go ahead. Experiments are always welcome.


Donnie Berkholz
Council Member / Sr. Developer, Gentoo Linux <http://dberkholz.com>
Analyst, RedMonk <http://redmonk.com/dberkholz/>

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