On Tue, 6 Aug 2013 16:39:14 -0400
Alexis Ballier <aball...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> This is not a regression from my definition:
> Software regression, the appearance of a bug which was absent in a
> previous revision

A bug in this case is one of the user's packages no longer working
after an upgrade, or any of the more subtle weird breakages that can
be caused by preserve-libs.

The user possibly having to do an extra rebuild which is not strictly
necessary isn't a bug. Nothing breaks. It's just a bit more time spent
compiling something every now and again, and this is a cost paid every
time a package has a revision bump or version bump with only minor
changes that could be handled with a partial rebuild, if only anyone
cared enough to support that. Sure, in an ideal world it would be
avoidable, but avoiding it shouldn't be high on the list of anyone's

Ciaran McCreesh

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