On Fri, Aug 16, 2013 at 12:14 PM, Ian Stakenvicius <a...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> For everyone's information -- The conf.d/net removal on upgrade is a
> packaging issue, which could not have been tested prior to
> openrc-0.12.ebuild hitting the tree.  There are details in
> https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=481336 if anyone's interested
> in why it's happening.
> I've fixed the 0.12.ebuild in the tree now.  It's a hack but it seems
> to be the best possible solution.

Thanks for the update.  From the other report it seems unlikely that
calling for volunteers would have turned up much.

That's just the nature of ~arch - if you get an openrc update you're
among the first.  Gentoo users should know what they're doing
regardless, and ~arch users doubly-so.

Also, it really isn't Gentoo-specific, but putting /etc in a git repo
is a really good practice, and I'm wondering if it should go in the
handbook as a result.


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