On Fri, Nov 1, 2013 at 10:06 PM, Peter Stuge <pe...@stuge.se> wrote:
> Alon Bar-Lev wrote:
>> >> It matters a whole lot if I have to wait for someone else to
>> >> unblock me, in practice that completely demotivates me to
>> >> contribute back, and I would simply work around the block.
>> >
>> > To clarify this point; contributing fixes back must always be the
>> > least effort of all ways to implement the fix in my own system.
>> > Optimize for the (desired) common case. Anything else pushes
>> > contributions away.
>> Just for me to understand, do you suggest everyone can commit into
>> the tree?
>> Or do you want to join in as a developer?
>> Or something else?
> I'm discussing the policies for Gentoo developers, stating my
> preferences and opinions under the assumption that my contributions
> to such a discussion are receivable and maybe even appreciated
> regardless of whether I ever become a developer or not.

Sure, but I may missed what you recommended...  not exist in the thread...

Blind commit without review of maintainer?
More maintainers?
More proxies?

I understand that you want to shorten the time between bug opening and
commit... but I do not understand what you suggest...

> //Peter

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