On Mon, 4 Nov 2013 05:15:18 +0100
yac <y...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> On Sun, 03 Nov 2013 11:02:31 +0200
> Alan McKinnon <alan.mckin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> [snip]
> > > 
> > > Afaik there is no official way to update gentoo, is there?
> > 
> > It's always been "emerge -avuND world"
> [snip]
> Is this documented annywhere? I have a hard time finding it. I can see
> it mentioned eg. in man emerge in -c option but that's not good
> enough.

Yeah, we do...


So, we're not really trying to solve a problem here; yet we can improve
the situation so people don't have to manually retype the same chain of
commands everytime or rewrite their own shell alias or function.
> Even if it is documented, I think it would be very helpfull to have
> such a way implemented as "kind of option" to emerge like `emerge
> --standard-ugrade` that would just alias to -uaNDv or possibly
> leverage sets like `emerge @upgrade`

Yeah, I think everyone has implemented their own kind of alternative:

        emerge -uDN @system @world
        emerge -uDN @system @world
        emerge -c && (
                eclean-dist -d
                eclean-pkg -d
                emerge @preserved-rebuild

Others have worked together and put it into a handy tool:


It would indeed be nice to join efforts and have something that does to
updating what genkernel does to kernels, then get that into the
Portage tree and suggest it as an alternative to doing it manually.

With kind regards,

Tom Wijsman (TomWij)
Gentoo Developer

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