On Tue, 14 Jan 2014 21:21:51 -0500
Michael Orlitzky <m...@gentoo.org> wrote:

> On 01/14/2014 09:09 PM, William Hubbs wrote:
> > 
> > After the package has been sitting in ~arch for 90 days with an open
> > stable request with no blockers that the arch team has not taken any
> > action on. We are not talking about randomly yanking package
> > versions, just doing something when arch teams are not responsive,
> > and it seems that the cleanest thing to do would be to remove the
> > old versions.
> > 
> People running stable value... stability.

gentoo-sources-3.10.25 is stable on the most important arches; but,
other arches are left in the dark with a stable 3.10.7(-r1). Now, what
is well known is that kernel.org upstream backports mostly known fixes;
as their goals is for this long term stable branch to increase the
value of what you claim people running stable need... stability.

But, as those people running stable on those arches are stuck on
3.10.7(-r1); heh, they're not running the more stable kernel at all.

> I would much rather wait for the arch teams to get un-busy than to be
> forced to upgrade to something untested.

If they get stabilization requests faster than they can stabilize, then
they will remain busy for as long as we don't get manpower to turn
around the tide; and as mentioned in the mail of a few minutes ago,
there are other options possible too. Forcing is just one of them.

> Why would I care if it takes another month?

What about another year? Or ten years? Why would users care?

> Strictly from a user's perspective. I don't, unless I do, in which
> case I know that I do, and I could just keyword the thing if I wanted
> to.

This is the exact same argument as in your other mail, which is your
point of view; this is under the assumption that you know that
stabilization is worsening over time, which users may not perceive.

With kind regards,

Tom Wijsman (TomWij)
Gentoo Developer

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