On Sun, 2014-03-09 at 23:22 -0400, Joshua Kinard wrote:
> On 03/08/2014 9:55 PM, Alexandre Rostovtsev wrote:
> > On Sat, 2014-03-08 at 21:23 -0500, Joshua Kinard wrote:
> >> So I want to try and play around with a particular network domination tool
> >> on my home network, Omphalos.  However, its current configure script has a
> >> hard dependency on bluetooth.h, part of the net-wireless/bluez package.
> >>
> >> Currently, net-wireless/bluez has a harddep on virtual/udev, which works
> >> great if you use either udev or eudev.  I'm using busybox's mdev instead, 
> >> so
> >> the logic of the bluez ebuild needs some changes:
> > [...]
> >> Thoughts on this?
> > 
> > Does mdev have any API which is equivalent to libudev's hwdb? See
> > http://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/libudev/libudev-udev-hwdb.html
> > 
> > If yes, then optimal solution would be to patch bluez to allow using
> > mdev's hwdb support, and get the patch upstreamed :)
> It's actually not a matter of the hwdb support, it's just the fact that
> bluez currently has a harddep on a specific device manager, either udev or
> eudev.

Bluez does not require an abstract device manager. It requires the
libudev library. Or rather, it requires some kind of library which
provides the following API:

1. querying hwdb (given a kernel modalias for a device, retrieve
corresponding oui, vendor, and model data); and
2. querying the device tree (manually traversing /sys is of course
possible, but not very easy to do correctly, so bluez developers are
relying on libudev).

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