Markos Chandras posted on Wed, 10 Sep 2014 21:21:24 +0100 as excerpted:

> Hash: SHA512
> On 09/10/2014 03:01 PM, Tom Wijsman wrote:
>> On Tue, 9 Sep 2014 21:45:49 +0200 Michał Górny <>
>> wrote:
>>> Let's keep it short: I think herds don't serve any special purpose
>>> nowadays. Their existence is mostly resulting in lack of consistency
>>> and inconveniences.
>> +1; to summarize my thoughts: Herds misrepresent manpower.
> true and false. undertakers often remove dead herds. And herds in need
> for more people should really make use of this wiki page
> how do you expect to get more people on board if you don't make it known
> where help is actually needed?

You fell into the same initial trap as I did, thus demonstrating the 
point. =:^\

The above is a PROJECT page, not a HERD page.  Herds are groups of 
packages, not people, and shouldn't, at least directly, be "in need of 
more people".

And if herds are groups of packages, shouldn't it be tree-cleaners, not 
undertakers, removing dead herds?

Of course that confusion is the point of the thread.  Why not simply 
deprecate and eventually kill herds and assign packages directly to 
projects, instead of assigning them to herds which must then cross-
checked against an entirely different file in ordered to find the 
responsible project.

Duncan - List replies preferred.   No HTML msgs.
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