On Monday 22 September 2014 00:52:14 hasufell wrote:
> > | • repoman must be run from all related ebuild directories (or
> > | 
> > |   related category directories or top-level directory) on the tip of
> > |   the local master branch (as in: right before you push and also
> > |   after resolving push-conflicts)
> > 
> > Have you tested if running repoman in the top-level directory is
> > realistic as part of the workflow?
> This is really just meant for stuff like mass commits, not regular
> ebuild stuff.
> Ask patrick, he's running repoman all the time, probably even top-level.

It's not. For a category like dev-python I'm seeing runtimes near 10 minutes 
on a 3.4Ghz Xeon. Scaling that down to more common hardware it's even 
prohibitive on smaller categories ... and at our current commit frequency, 
mwehehehehe. hehe. Heh. It'd be an infinite pull-rebase-repoman-yell cycle.

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