On Mon, Sep 29, 2014 at 12:05 AM, Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto
<jmbsvice...@gentoo.org> wrote:
> No, there isn't a need for a Council vote here. This is something up to
> Releng (in respect to what is in the stages) and to everyone in respect to
> what is part of the system set.

I don't think many really care about deferring to releng on what is in
the stages.

My concern is what is in @system, since that has a big impact on everybody.

> I've stopped following this mailing list regularly quite sometime
> ago. To see this thread is still going on and no one bothered to cc
> releng, to me shows a lack of respect for the people actually doing
> releases around here, as well as a real lack of interest in getting
> this done as you can discuss this all you want, but in the end, it's
> releng that works on this.

Nobody is intending to show a lack of respect for anybody.  The whole
point of having a mailing list is so that you don't have to CC every
single developer on every single thread.

Nobody is required to read -dev, but as was pointed out recently,
claiming that you don't read -dev isn't really a good starting point
for a complaint that you've been left out of something.  [1]

> Further, to me, this is a case where if anyone tries to side-step Releng and
> go over it with a Council decision, than the council members should be ready
> to start doing Releng work.

So, do you have an opinion on this that you'd like to share?  I think
it makes more sense to discuss what the best path forward is rather
than argue about who gets to make the decision.

Believe it or not, the folks who are on the Council aren't really
interested in micro-managing everything that goes on in Gentoo.
However, as you pointed out, everybody is impacted by what is in the
system set, and the way "everybody" in Gentoo decides on things is
through the Council.  The alternative is endless threads like this

No, the members of the Council aren't aware of every detail of
everything that happens with Gentoo, and they don't possess every
skill collectively possessed by every member of the community.  About
the only thing the Council can claim is that people voted for them to
represent the community, so it functions best when we actually act
like a community.

[1] - http://www.gentoo.org/proj/en/council/meeting-logs/20140408-summary.txt


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